

Kosmed-Klinik GmbH
Eckernförder Str. 219
24119 Kronshagen

Tel.: +49 (0)431/66 74 232
Fax. : +49 (0)431/66 74 243

Registry Court

Kiel District Court: HRB 25192KI
Provider in the sense of §5 TMG is the Kosmed-Klinik GmbH

VAT number


Managing Directors

Dipl.-Kfm. Nikolas Diedrich, Dipl-Kffr. Selma Heinrich-Oppermann
Prokura: Dr. med. Arick Trettel, Dr. med. Vladan Montenegro

Content responsibility

Dipl.-Kfm. Nikolas Diedrich

License according to GewO: §30

The Kosmed-Klinik GmbH is a licensed private clinic according to §30 GewO.

Head Doctor

Dr. med. Arick Trettel
Specialist in dermatology, venereology, allergology

Job title

Medical designation awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Competent supervisory authorities

Medical Association Schleswig-Holstein, Bismarckallee 8-12, 23795 Bad Segeberg / Germany
Medical Association Hamburg, Humboldtstr. 56, 22083 Hamburg / Germany

Professional regulations

Professional regulations of the Schleswig-Holstein State Medical Association
Health professional regulations of the state of Schleswig-Holstein
The current version of the regulations can be found at

Professional regulations of the Hamburg State Medical Association
Health professional regulations of the state of Hamburg
The current version of the regulations can be found at

Rights Notice

The KOSMED KLINIK symbol is an exclusively registered word and word / figurative mark of Kosmed Klinik GmbH, which is subject to the statutory provisions. The exclusively authorized Kosmed Klinik GmbH reserves all rights in its favor. The brands may not be distributed, reproduced or used, in particular, neither in the text nor in the image, without prior written approval. Any violations will be prosecuted.

Specialists work independently and independently in the Kosmed Clinic. For this purpose, modern technologies, such as a variety of laser devices, are available. The Kosmed Clinic is only responsible for the organization. Responsibility in the medical field rests only with the attending doctor. "Laser Cosmetics" is an independent company and partner of the Kosmed Clinic!

Digital implementation
Programming, Design, Layout:
Olaf Petersen, Jelena Sarap


The content and works published on our website are subject to German copyright law. The duplication, processing, distribution and any kind of exploitation of the intellectual property in an ideal and material view require the prior written consent of the respective author or creator.

Liability notice

Despite careful control of the content, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Objection to advertising emails

We hereby object to the use of contact data published within the framework of the imprint obligation for sending unsolicited advertising and information material. The operators of the pages expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited sending of advertising information, such as spam e-mails.

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